outrage of scheduled tribes woman Mrs.Babita Santosh Ughada & 3 others (Code: MH-PUN-2019-01, Date: 03-Dec-2019 )

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Case Title

Case primary details

Case posted by NDMJ - Maharastra
Case code MH-PUN-2019-01
Case year 03-Dec-2019
Type of atrocity Intentionally insults or intimidates with intent to humiliate
Whether the case is being followed in the court or not? Yes

Fact Finding

Fact finding date

Fact finding date Not recorded

Case Incident

Case Incident details

Case incident date 03-Dec-2019
Place Village: Not recorded
Taluka:Not recorded
District: RAIGAD (DP)
State: Maharashtra
Police station PANVEL
Complaint date 03-Dec-2019
FIR date 03-Dec-2019

Case brief

Case summary

The victim mrs.Babita Santosh Ughada, aged 27 occu.Labour/vegetable seller R.at.hedutane Tal.panvel Dist. Raigad & three others victims namely Buddhi Ganesh paradhi, Shaniwari Mangalya Chawdhari and Tai Goma Ughada. all reciding above mention address.

And four victims were walked to sell the vegetable on 3/12/2019 at 6:30 am.The one unknown person Mr Krishna Ramnivas Yadav aged 25 yrs s/o Ramnivas Banshraj Yadav occu.Service R. at Valap po. Padaghe tal. Panvel dist. Raigad.was follow them with his Activa 2wheeler MH-46 BT3742 and stoped the victim and told her why you waste time to sell vegetable that you have other things to sell then he starting to touch her body and told the womam like you Adivasis are surrendered themselves by 100 or 200 rupees.and continued to use abusive words then victim refused to do so and try to stop him for further action.but accused did not ready to stop then all victims starting shouting then he frightened and ran away from that place.Then victim came to their home and told the entire story to men.hence the FIR ldged with New panvel police station on 3/12/2019 at 22 : 29

That the accusd followed the victim several times and touches the he victim without her will and consent and use the abusive words and caste basis insult publcly. That accused has knowledge the victims are belonging ST.category.that the accused committed the same crime intentionally and accuse belonging general or upper class category.

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