A Dalit girl raped and murder in Karnataka Gadag district Naragunda town (Code: KA-02-04-2021/06, Date: 20-Mar-2021 )

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Case Title

Case primary details

Case posted by National Dalit Movement For Justice - NDMJ Karnataka
Case code KA-02-04-2021/06
Case year 20-Mar-2021
Type of atrocity Murder
Whether the case is being followed in the court or not? Yes

Fact Finding

Fact finding date

Fact finding date Not recorded

Case Incident

Case Incident details

Case incident date 20-Mar-2021
Place Village: Not recorded
Taluka:Not recorded
District: GADAG
State: Karnataka
Police station Not recorded
Complaint date 23-Mar-2021
FIR date 23-Mar-2021

Case brief

Case summary

Gadag district, Naragunda talluk, Naragunda town, Dandapura, Heggade Katte colony there lived schedule caste HUlasera community belongs Babu Subbanna Hulasera 51 years and his wifeNirmala Babu Hulasera 41 years and his 3 femal children Manjula 20 years she is studying Paramedical course, Madhu 14 years studiying 8th stadard and 3rd daughter Dhaneshwari 11 Years studing in 5th standard. this couple works as cool labours in agriculture land and earns for their living and by that earn them making their children studying with lot of struggle. this couple second daughter studiying in 8th standered at Naragunda town government high school, when there is holday she use to go to work. she had a girl frind at next street of her house Bebi jan who belongs to Muslim community so now and then she use to go her house to see Bebijan. in Bebijan house her sister son saddam Betageri s/o Husena Sab Betageri who is from Naganoor Village, Navalagunda talluk, Dharavada district were living. there Madhu was introduced to him they both became frinds and later on frindship turuned into love so they both had love affair, their love affair came to no to saddam family because of different case they had told him not to continue love affair with her but he had not listened to them instead he had continued the same.

Madhu on 20-03-2021 saturday morning around 10-30 in the morning since it was holiday she told her parents that i will go to work at Naragunda Hansis land. it was late in the evening but she had not return back to home soon her father Babu Hulasera goes to Hanis the land owner were she gone to work and asks about his daughter Madhu there he says she had not come to work today. he was afraid and he on 21-03-2021 and 22-03-2021 searches everywhere and also he asks all his relatives whether she had come there but everyone say on 23-03-2021 he gives kidnapcase at Naragunda police station and the case no is 44/2021 IPC 1860 u/s 363 has been filed.

in the police investigatin there was a unknown and unidentified female dead body which had been brutally murdered body of the face has been crushed and theright had been separated from the body it could not identified in the land of Erappa Halemani serve no; 273/3 at Belgam district, Ramadurga talluk, Kitturu village.the police have buried the body since it was unknown and unidentified and by the Belagam district police has sent notice all the police station to identify the body, on that basis Naragunda town police officer have Madhu father and mother and taken them to Belgam district, Ramadurga police station and have shown clothes and some materials and asked them to identify seeing the cloth they have identified that it was his daughter Madhus cloth. then in the police investigation they have suspected that it has been done by Saddam and by his friends, Saddam has sexually used her and he had forced have sex with his friends when she denies they have brutally murdered her by deadly weapons and have crushed her head by stone and have murdered her.

this incident case has been filed on 28-03-2021 and the crime no; 45/2021 IPC 1860 u/s 302, 201 and sc/st (POA) amendment act 2015 u/s 3(1)(r), 3(1)(s), 3(2)(V) has been added in the case.


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