Attempt Rape on Dalit Women in Punnai Village of Tiruvannamalai District (Code: TN-TVM-2022-180, Date: 02-Aug-2022 )

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Case Title

Case primary details

Case posted by Social Awareness Society for Youths-SASY
Case code TN-TVM-2022-180
Case year 02-Aug-2022
Type of atrocity Rape
Whether the case is being followed in the court or not? No

Fact Finding

Fact finding date

Fact finding date Not recorded

Case Incident

Case Incident details

Case incident date 02-Aug-2022
Place Village: Not recorded
Taluka:Not recorded
District: Thiruvannamalai(DP)
State: Tamil Nadu
Police station Kilkodungalur
Complaint date 03-Aug-2022
FIR date 04-Aug-2022

Case brief

Case summary

Mariammal belongs to Hindu, Adi Dravidar community. It has been 11 months since she got married and  her husband Senthamarai (48) passed away due to illness. She has three daughters 1. Chitra (28), 2. Amuda (25), 3. Anita (21) married and worked as an agricultural laborer.
Last 02.08.2022 around 4.00 pm she went to wash clothes in the well in the land of Prabhakaran Reddyar. While she was washing clothes, a man named Ellappan S/O Karate from the Vettaikaran community was looking at her in the well. She saw he was watching her and  she told him that she was taking bath  nd not to stand there, assuming he was away from her, but he  was standing there only, after she finished washing the clothes and was taking a bath with only her skirt tied without a top, he came from behind and hug her tightly,  got scared and looked back to see, she saw Ellappan and had requested him to leave her, but he doesn’t listen her, also he told he will give more money to her. She had begged him, but he kept trying to sexually assault her.

Suddenly he pushed her into the water and tried to undress her. He tried by holding her in the water 3 times and making her lie down anywhere, she screamed for help and shouted, on the way Ms. Mallika, W/o Mari came and he immediately ran away from the place. She got scared and came to her house.

The next day on 03.08.2022 at around 7.00 am she went to the Village Leader and told the incident and later lodged a complaint in Kilkodugalur police station, Cr.No177/2022, U/s:341, 354(A) – IPC, Sec:4 of TNWH Act 2002, r/w:3(1)(r), 3( 2)(Va) of SC/ST Act 1989 registered a case and only after 10 days the accused person was arrested.  
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