Illegal Custody against Dalit Childrens (Code: TN-TVM-2022-174, Date: 20-Mar-2022 )

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Case Title

Case primary details

Case posted by Social Awareness Society for Youths-SASY
Case code TN-TVM-2022-174
Case year 20-Mar-2022
Type of atrocity Other Crimes Against SCs
Whether the case is being followed in the court or not? No

Fact Finding

Fact finding date

Fact finding date Not recorded

Case Incident

Case Incident details

Case incident date 20-Mar-2022
Place Village: Not recorded
Taluka:Not recorded
District: Thiruvannamalai(DP)
State: Tamil Nadu
Police station Kilkodungalur
Complaint date 01-Jan-1970
FIR date 01-Jan-1970

Case brief

Case summary

Last Sunday 20.03.2022 they had arranged to hold a drama on the night after the Pillaiyar temple festival located in Thiruvalluvar town. Sandeep his friends Surer, S/o Subburayan and Aravindan, S/o Murugan went to see the koothu play in a two-wheeler around 11.30 that night. On the way back home he stopped the two-wheeler near the Velmurugan rice shop to urinate; he and Aravindan went to urinate. The police jeep stopped towards Suren while he was standing. Inspector Raja got out of the police jeep and beat up Suren and Aravind and dragged them into the police jeep. Sandeep was scared and hid without making a noise. It was only after the police jeep left that he walked down and came down. About 5 hours later Inspector Raja and Ethiraj came to the two-wheeler and looked at Sandeep and stopped the car and asked him whether his name is Sandeep. As soon as he said yes they took him to the police station. Inspector Raja told him to take off all their clothes and subjected him to brutal forms of police torture and he sustained heinous injuries at his and forced him to admit that he was the one stealing the lorry battery.

He begged to Ethiraj to leave him for the exam which is scheduled in the morning and in the meanwhile Inspector Raja entered the room and asked for Sandeep’s caste name. And only belonging to the Scheduled Caste the policemen subjected him to brutal forms of police violence and torture.

Ethiraj forced Sandeep to admit that he had did all the theft incidents. Also, Inspector Raja, Thanikaivel, Govindaraj, Constable Ganesh, Oosana Vusaya Murugan, Yelumalai, Constable Suresh were alternately kicked in the boots, beaten with a lathi, and asked to recover ½ pound neck chain in the village, Tali chain from the neck of a woman in Vazhur village.  At around 10.30 that morning, Suren and Aravindan, and Sandeep were taken to the village in a police jeep, and on the way, they stopped the car at Suren's house and took the pawn jewelry receipts from the bureau and brought them to the police station. Ethiraj threatened them and asked to recover money and jewelry thefts and forced them to confess and accept the theft.  Still FIR was not filled.

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